Saturday, September 4, 2010

New news!

Sandin has a job, well mostly. Ever since he's been seeing the chiropractor he's been hopeful enough that he decided it was time to get a real job. He'd been approached by a company he does occasional work for in St. George so he called them up and asked him if he could get the job. After about a week he found out he had it, at least on a trial basis, until they can see an example of a website for a client from him. It's the perfect job because it allows Sandin to work from home, gives him flexible hours, and allows him to get full time hours.

So in hope and for help we finally decided to get Sandin his new computer. He's been needing one for years, and wanting one for longer. So we got him an Imac. It's beautiful and shiny and so cool, and I'm writing on it as we speak. We got an Ipod too, and Sandin goes back and forth between using his computer or the Ipod, and when he's not on either he's talking about them. He's just so excited.

Doug is finally moving out of our front room (fyi: we had it rented out as office space to a friend). It's been a while since I've felt we needed the extra room, and Doug finally gave up making money off his business. He was struggling before the recession but since his business has gone completely. The only downside to this is that Sandin isn't giving me the living room for the house, instead he's moving his office in there and we'll be converting his current tiny office into living space. On the up side I got a new chair, a red wing recliner. It's not actually new but it's still well padded and surprisingly comfortable.

And just so you don't think that Sandin's getting all the perks right now, we just got me a bike, and Bug a seat for it. We've already been on a good ride on it. This is in the hope that I can start getting more healthy. I've been overweight and feeling low recently and I thought this might be an enjoyable way to spend more time outdoor with the Bug, getting exercise , without having to chase her around, which is hard on my back.

Bug is staying cute and growing tall. She can reach doorknobs now, though just barely on her toes. This means it won't be long until she figures out how to use them. She's smart that way. We have latches on most of our cupboards and she knows how to get them open. We can't keep our cans in the cupboards, instead they usually end up in a large single stack in the center of the room. This propensity for stacking has inspired us to get Linaya some blocks. However all this has really done is made our cupboards full of blocks, the cans are still in the middle of the kitchen floor.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on Sandin's new job! I hope he loves it. And I think it's hilarious that your cupboards are now full of blocks.
