Monday, June 28, 2010

No time like the present

I feel a little guilty about the length of time between my posts. It isn't like I don't have stories about my darling baby, or things that have been on my mind. It's just been a bad month. I haven't been feeling well this month, and to add on top of that the temperature in the computer room. It makes it a bit difficult to think, not to mention write.

We took Linaya for her first swim. I knew she'd love it, since she loves water, baths, being sprayed by the hose, even washing her hands and face after dinner. What I didn't realize is what a natural she was. As soon as we put her in the water she started kicking. I could see her analytical mind at work as she figure out how to turn in the water and kick the direction she wanted to go. She followed Jane, or Evelyn around, then she'd push and kick her way to the stairs so she could stand on her own and splash. It was amazing and so much fun. I don't know if or when we'll have another opportunity to swim, but I can't wait to take her again.

Sandin is delighted with Naya since she started saying "Daddy" very clearly. She'll say it to get his attention and when he asks "what?" she starts to giggle. Then we all giggle because she's just so cute. He has started to ask "what" in different tones to get more of a reaction out of her. I love my little family.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Mommy initiation

Monday Linaya was sick, not just a cold. She kept on throwing up again and again. By the end she was so weak she would fall asleep before she even finished. She was pale and listless and it was very scary. I stayed up with her until 1:30 a.m. and I think it's my true mommy initiation. Because although she's had such trifling things as colds, I've never seen her so weak and helpless. I felt like the worse villain when I wrestled with her so she wouldn't touch her ickies. It truly was one of the longest nights of my life. Even when she finally fell asleep, I kept worrying about whether she was warm enough, if she would wake again, and what I would do if she went through both sheets again. (We only have two sets).

Since then she's been eating listlessly and is a little grumpy about everything. I feel very sorry for her, but there isn't much I can do to help her. We went to the doctors yesterday for her year-old shots and she really didn't like that much either. And today Kitty scratched her across the nose. She's really just not having a good week. But I truly feel like a mother now seeing my baby so helpless.

I just feel sorry for Sandin, who's birthday it was. What a horrendous birthday.