Since I got a hair straightener for Christmas I decided that it was time for a new hair cut and style. I kept putting it off, but I finally gave in. So I thought I would post a picture for all those who probably won't see me until my hair is different again.
On the news side, well there is no news. Bug's good, Sandin's good, I'm okay. We're handling life as it comes. Oh, I guess Bug is finally learning to say words. Today she kept gasping and saying "what is that?" I had to point out to Sandin what she was saying because to him it's all garbledy-gook. But I've learned to understand her pretty well. Mostly cause I'm with her almost all day every day.
On that note, I do get an hour off now since Jane and I have enforced upon ourselves a new exercise regiment. We exercise three times a week and are hoping that we'll both be able to see results. I've already lost seven pounds, okay confession, it wasn't due to the exercising. It was actually because two weeks ago my doctor gave me a new pain medication for my headaches. It made me nauseous and destroyed my appetite. For two whole weeks I actually didn't eat at all. Okay I ate one meal every few days, but when I did I could only force down a few bites. It was kind of nice. It made me just sick enough not to want to eat, but not so sick that it interfered with my life. The only problem was that by the second week it didn't actually work much on my headaches. So I'm on a new pill now, and my appetite is back, but luckily that two week stint actually did shrink down how much I can eat.
Sorry, I said there was no news and then rambled on. I hope I didn't bore you.
Cute 'do! But you're weird about being excited about not eating...not a helathy way to lose weight.