On nice days we go on walks. Not too far, and it's usually one of two routes, but the weather is just so nice. It's sad though, because every few days it turns into winter again. This is especially annoying because about the time it stops doing this it also starts to get so hot its not fun outside because of the heat. Why can't spring just stay spring? I went to the park with Linaya and she played with a few other kids. Her favorite part of the park was the tunnel on the play set. It slopes upward and is a little too slick for her to crawl up it, but it didn't stop her from trying. She just kept right on crawling for like five minutes, not going anywhere, but still feeling like she was one of the kids. She's just so cute.

She's also been giving me kisses lately. They've always been super sweet, light and not even slobbery, but just yesterday she suddenly decided that kisses including a bite. Ouch, I sure didn't expect that.

The little video is of her walking. She's so proud of it.
Did you know your video is sideways?