Lately Linaya has been getting so very cute. She's saying words, doing actions, crawling and even walking a few steps without help. She's so close to walking it really scares me, I'm already having a hard time keeping up with her. But she still just so darn cute I can't help but love her. Unfortunately she's also really curious, and this has recently cause her some rather painful bumps and scratches. Kitty scratched her the other day because she found him and started pulling his fur out it big clumps. And she tried to get something from the table from her high chair, by standing. She fell and splatted hard, and I just couldn't get to her in time. I've been all tense since.
On a higher note, she has finally started to love baths. On Saturday night I started running a bath for her and she crawled to the bathtub, stood up and looked in then said "Eeeeee", which is her way of saying "yeah".
We also decided in the nice weather to take her swinging for the first time. We tried to take a video, but though she enjoyed it, the whole time she was watching all the other kids in the park or on the swings next to her. She's just such a people person.
The final image is of her new hair-do. Now that she has some hair, it curls wildly after her bath. It's just so cute that at least occasionally, I mousse it and let it dry that way. Naptime inevitably ruins it, but it's just so cute until then.
Oh how I miss that little one! Cute hair, cute smile, cute stories!!